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Please be sure to read before purchasing

Please be sure to read before purchasing

DeliveryAfter confirming the payment at our companyWithin 7 days
It will be at handWithin 10 days from the payment dateWill be.

* Depending on the stock status of your ordered product
It may take a little more date than the delivery schedule.
Please note in advance.

* When purchasing more than 100 products other than stickers,
Depending on the manufacturing situation, a date for more than one month for shipping
Please note that we may have received it.

⚫︎ We do not accept the delivery date and time.

⚫︎The convenience store reception is not supported.

⚫︎ Customers who wish to deliver and receive to the sales office
Investigate whether the desired sales office can be received
Delivery Delivery At the address of the sales office you want
Please order.

⚫︎ For credit payment customers, from the order date
Convenience store payment / bank transfer customers from the payment date
If the shipping email does not arrive after 7 days or moreteeth,
Sorry to trouble you, but please contact us.

Member registration (free)If you do
Points can be granted and used.

* You have to order while logging in.
Please note that points will not be given.

* Resting of points due to customer reasons, such as forgetting to log in
Please note that we cannot accept it.

If you place an order, automatically to the customer
We are sending a "order confirmation email".

At that time, with the customerIf you have set up spam, etc.
There is a possibility that the email will not arrive.

Sorry to trouble you""
After setting so that you can receive emails from
If you can contact us again
We will resend your order confirmation email.

※Convenience store settlementteeth, Payment fee 190 yenWill occur separately.

* Transfer fees for bank transfer are borne by the customeris.

Even if you order at the convenience store address
Please note that it will be canceled.

-About defective products (product differences/damage/defective)

When something different from the ordered product arrives,
If the product is damaged or defective,
Within 7 days after the product arrives,
Please contact us by phone or email.

We will exchange it for a good product at our shipping cost.

If there is no alternative product, we will refund the product price in full.

* The following returns are not accepted.

⚫︎ Products used once

⚫︎ Returns and exchanges for your convenience

⚫︎ If you are used by yourself and is damaged, dirty, or lost.

⚫︎ If you are returned without contact after the product arrives.

Please check on each product page.

-About the receipt issuance

If you wish to issue a receipt,
If you can describe the receipt issuance in the remarks column.
We will enclose it with your order.

At that time, be sure to make your desired address and proviso
Please write together.

We basically do not accept issuance after shipping order.
Please note.

* Purchase for the purpose of resale of the product
Purchase by using transfer service for overseas shipping
It is increasing. Please refrain.